Product Details, Specifications, and Technical Information

692 Miniature Ball Bearing Key Features 692 is a Precision Miniature Ball Bearing manufactured to have both sides Open and is pre-lubricated with Light Oil allowing it to be ready for use upon delivery. Made from Chrome Steel, 692 is a 600 Series Miniature Ball Bearing meant for normal-duty applications. Our 600 Series Mini Ball Bearings have a Larger Inner Diameter to be used in High Speed & Normal Load Capacity Applications. Applications / Industries 692 Miniature ball bearings are widely used in various industries and everyday applications such as Electric Fans, Printers, Fax Machines, Photocopier, Vertical Saw, Electrical Drills, Sliding Door, Automotives, RC Cars, RC Planes, RC Helicopters, Lab Equipment, Wipers, Throttles, Industrial & Medical Hand Pieces, Household Electrical Appliances, Medical Equipment, Robotics, Pulmonary Assist Devices, Cryogenic Coolers, Flow Meters, Fuel Control, Gyros, Syncros, among others.
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Dimension Name Specification
Bearing Trade Number 692
Inner Diameter 2
Outer Diameter 6
Width 2.3
Lubrication Open
Static Load Light Oil
Dynamic Load 75 lbf
Speed Limit 90,000 RPM
Closure Type 22 lbf
Weight/Lineal Foot
0.1 pounds
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