Product Details, Specifications, and Technical Information

See Hot Roll Steel Tolerances

3/4 inch A36 Blanchard ground plate is shaped using a method of high speed surface grinding to ensure smooth and flat surfaces for specific projects. Frequently used for rotary tables, vacuum chambers, and other precision projects, A36 Mild Steel Blanchard ground plates offers high strength, good ductility, excellent surface smoothness, and poor corrosion resistance. All items have a thickness tolerance of +/- 0.003". All items have saw cut edges and ends. **Please allow 10-14 business days to ship due to grinding times**

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Dimension Name Specification
Thickness 0.875
Max Width 48
Max Length 120
Alloy A36
Production Method Blanchard Ground
Eniteo Vendor ID 3166
MTR Availability Yes
Material Carbon Steel
Shape Sheet/Plate
Custom Cut Warehouse 1
Weight/Lineal Foot
35.66 pounds
Please note that this data is to be used ONLY FOR REFERENCE, NOT FOR DESIGN, and by using it,you agree that any decisions you make regarding materials for your project are at your own discretion.
Mechanical Properties
Property Value
Ultimate Tensile Strength KSI 58
Density g/cm^3 8
Rockwell Hardness B Scale 77
Brinell Hardness 500 kg load 140
Yield Tensile Strength KSI 48
Elongation % in 2 in. 22
Electrical Conductivity % IACS 12
Machinability % 72
Melting Point °F 2590 - 2670
Shear Strength KSI 44
Chemistry Information: A36 Carbon Steel
Element Percentage
C 0.29 max
Cu 0.2
Fe 99
Mn 0.75
P 0.04 max
S 0.05 max
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