Product Details, Specifications, and Technical Information

This bundle includes a Rotary Tumbler and Stainless Steel Tumbling Media that are perfect for polishing, post processing, and cleaning parts after sintering, as well as Tumbling Liquid, which is perfect for making parts shine. Tumbler Capacity: 3L / 3kg Tumbler Size:150mm D x 180mm W Barrel with an 80mm D opening Tumbler Modes: Switch between unidirectional and bidirectional Tumbler Power: 110v 45w What's Included: Rotary tumbler, polycarbonate tumbler barrel, Stainless Steel Tumbling Media, Tumbling Liquid (18mL) How To Use: Load the tumbler with Stainless Steel Tumbling Media, add water, sintered part(s), and 15-20 drops of Tumbling Liquid. Let tumble for 30 - 60 minutes minimum for best results.
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Dimension Name Specification
Brand The Virtual Foundry
Shape Polishing Kit
Weight/Lineal Foot
11.1 pounds
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