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- Ptfe
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PTFE is a soft, low friction fluoropolymer with outstanding chemical resistance and weathering resistance. Also known as Teflon, PTFE is so slippery that its the only known surface which a gecko cannot stick. PTFE's extreme slipperiness combined with its mechanical properties make it ideal for bearings, seales, and piston rings in mechanical applications. It is FDA/USDA compliant and also offers high temperature melting, flexibility, impact resistance, and performs well at temperatures as low as -100°F. PTFE is commonly used for seals, gaskets, scientific equipment, pump parts, semiconductor equipment, and insulation for wiring in aerospace and computer applications.
We carry Torlon in round rod, sheet/plate & sample pack.
Relevant Knowledge Hub Resources: 5 Reasons to Cut-to-Size | Acetal vs Delrin
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