Product Details, Specifications, and Technical Information

4-1/2" X .040 X 7/8" T1 Premium Thin Cut-off Wheel provides premium performance and increases productivity. This disc is designed for use in angle grinders and is ideal for all types of metal/stainless steel materials. These Cut off Wheels are designed for cutting Fiberglass, Steel, Iron, Plastic, Stainless Steel, and other Ferrous Metals. These wheels are internally reinforced with high tensile strength fiberglass. Highly refined ingredients will not contaminate stainless steel. It offers fast cool cutting that allows the operator to work with minimum pressure and a reduced heat-affected zone during cutting minimizes burr creation.

Bottom line, these cut off wheels offer LESS cutting resistance for fast work, LESS work piece waste, LESS vibration, LESS burrs and sparks and LESS dust than the competition. 

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Dimension Name Specification
Weight/Lineal Foot
6.5 pounds
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