- Guide To Chromoly Steel | Materials Talk Series
Welcome to the Online Metals material talk series! This video focuses on Chromoly, which is an abbreviation for chromium molybdenum steel Generally referred to as 41 series alloy steel Chromoly is a range of low alloy steel's generally used in structures ranging from bicycle frames to flywheel components It offers the advantages of high tensile strength and malleability But doesn't quite compete with its lightweight aluminum counterparts and provides less corrosion resistance than stainless steel In comparison to standard 1020, chromoly provides a considerably stronger and more durable product due to its higher yield strength Well it rates high in weldability. It should undergo pre and post weld thermal treatment to avoid cold cracking 4130 is an alloy that is most commonly seen in structures for bicycle frames and is required for certain racecar roll cages 4150 is one of the materials accepted for use in m16 rifle and m4 carbine barrels by the United States military due to increase carbon content, this material is less prone to fatigue and failure for burst fire. While chromoly typically refers to materials in the 41 series 8620 and 4340 alloys share many of the same characteristics 8620 chromoly is a triple alloy carburizing steel with good toughness and ductility It also boasts increased hardness penetration and hardenability Giving it a strong core with high case hardness This means it will have excellent strength and durability But the softer core prevents it from becoming brittle. It's commonly used for gears and crank shafts 4340 is a nickel chromium molybdenum alloy steel also known for its toughness and ability to attain high strength in heat treated condition It's well suited for highly stressed parts 4340 is commonly referred to as aircraft-grade and is used in aircraft landing gear. It's offered in air melt and vacuum melt Thank you for watching another online metals video Please subscribe to our channel or leave a comment below with questions or future video requests